Friday, February 09, 2007


So i'm beginning to panic because i set out my list to go shopping tomorrow and get EVERYTHING in one trip. I keep rechecking to make sure i haven't forgot anything and then after the third check (can't believe i actually forgot) i realise i didnt organize my Monday wear. So i come online and see saucy's post about it and i'm just stumped. The list of thing to get is already long and i'm trying to stretch my money so monday will end up being just a short pants and a baby tee. If creativity strikes me i'll try to do a design or something and buy some rhinestones to decorate the pants or whatever. How are your preparations going, we have one week again and we don't want to be caught in the madness. By the way i'm in AC5 this weekend gonna get my jumbie on!!


Anonymous said...

I wanted to do something with rhinestones, too, but not for Monday. I'll wait to see what IP gives first, but have some ideas in the back of my mind just in case I need a last-minute put-together.

Good luck with the one-shop. I tried doing that, but my list keeps getting longer and longer (almost hourly, it seems).

SocaDiva said...

well i did my supposed one-shop and your'e right it didnt work haha. I need to wait till i get my costume to get the exact shade of blue and green before buying certain stuff

Trinidad Carnival Diary said...

that list never gets short' always something else to buy !