Monday, October 02, 2006

Who are you playing with?

So we're on the carnival bandwagon and everything in full swing, most of us already paid down on our costumes, we have organized our diets and exercise schedule, umm we set aside money or at least trying to save up for the carnival fetes coming up. So i just want to know what band are you playing with and how is your dieting/ exercise going. I for one only started exercising this week and eating better foods. I'll be with Tribe on the road 2k7 in the Dame Lorraine B section.

And for my foreign masqueraders I know that you have work and stuff but when are you flying in!!!! The sad thing about coming from abroad is that you tend to miss all the warm up fetes
but thats ok because Monday and Tuesday makes up for everthing. Anyway let me know who yuh with on the road and just how bad yuh planning to get on.


Trinidad Carnival Diary said...

just checking out your blog! The diet is going well but I am YET to hit the gym!

I am in FIREMAN!!

buublenut said...

I'm flying in on the 14th of Feb early in the am - will be in Trinidad for just over 2 weeks. How bad to a plan on getting - haahaa words can not explain.

All the best with your workout girl.
I busting out the thong in cow mas

buublenut said...

Sorry about the typos - I noticed you linked my blogg - I'm going to link u up too :)

buublenut said...

me again - sorry

can you update my link on your page - i changes it


Anonymous said...

Hey Miss SocaDiva..I comming to TnT just for sugar...I landing late Wed Feb 14th and leavin first thing Ash Wed Mornin...ah have just enough time to bade when las lap done...TRIBE..Warrior Spirit Frontline all de way!!!!!

Anonymous said...

TRIBE...Dame Lorraine OptionA

SocaDiva said...

dred i can't imagine having to leave so soon, but carnival can't last whole year (though we wish) and we have to face reality there's work and school along with other responsibilities we have to get back too. But make sure and enjoy the limited time

Icahwait* said...

Jamette. Coming 8-22 Feb

Hopefully I get all the good fetes, as I only went for 8 days from Carnival thurs last time.

Anonymous said...

Raiders of the Desert - island people all de way!!!!

Kim said...

I will be jumping up in FIREMAN!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Risse from NY
I coming in on the 12th and leaving the 23rd. I playin in Dame Lorraine Option A. Hope to see you and my fellow Dame Lorraine crew.

Anonymous said...

I am playing with Pulse 8, waering the Copacabana costume. I will arrive that Weds, Feb 14th, so hopefully I won't miss EVERYTHING! LOL