Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Which star do you envy?

So we're all trying to get in shape for the season and most of us have someone that we're using as motivation and saying "yes i want my body to look like hers". I for one know that i want my stomach flat like Faye Ann's, she just has a very nice shape that you just can't help but envy.

So who's body are you ogling and trying to imitate?


Anonymous said...

I agree you with girl...Faye-Ann has the sickest body. She maintains a very nice shape without being too thin. She is definitely what I am striving for.

caisoqueen said...

Jessica Alba..
Faye Anne
ummm...and de girl from Dancin wid de Stars that danced with Mario Lopez

Anonymous said...

Oh Caiso! The girl with Mario was good but I love the girl that danced with Emmitt, Cheryl Burke. She is not thin but her body is so in shape!

Anonymous said...

for me it's Beyonce.
we have the same type of curvy figure and B is looking really hot these days...so why not!