Saturday, January 06, 2007

What to wear?

Ok so the next step in my preparations is organizing my Monday wear. I was initially going with the short pants idea. But i want something kinda unusual that won't look like almost everyone in the band. What ideas have you all come up with for your Monday wear? I'm also considering whether to wear my boots on Monday or a sneakers...


Anonymous said...

I have a fabulous idea for Monday wear but I ent start working on it yet. I think my days for boy shorts are done with; I want Monday to be special too :D

SocaDiva said...

haha ok i'm playing around with some ideas still haven't decided yet.

Anonymous said...

me too guys!
I need to make-up my mind too, time is going.

Anonymous said...

you guys killing my pocket - before all this bloggin I was wearing my costume for 2 days and probably spray painting a pair of old sneakers

Thanks guys - now I won't look like an ass on da road :)